Serving as Fiduciary - What Professional Advisors Must Know

Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Annapolis Waterfront Hotel
Speaker: Les Williams, David Stallings, and Cathy Walker

Join the AAEPC and guest speakers Les Williams, David Stallings, and Cathy Walker
for an informative presentation on
Serving as Fiduciary - What Professional Advisors Must Know.

Individuals who choose a family member or friend, professional advisor, or corporate trustee to represent them as a fiduciary do so out of an abundance of trust and goodwill. The person chosen for that role typically accepts that appointment with honor and gratitude for that trust. With that honor, though, comes a great deal of duty and responsibility. For the inexperienced fiduciary, this can sometimes lead to unfamiliar situations and possible liability. This program will examine some of the common pitfalls associated with serving as a fiduciary, common-sense approaches to planning, and some of the recent trends in fiduciary litigation.


About the speakers: 

Les WilliamsLes Williams
Wealth Strategist
RBC Wealth Management



Cathy Walker
Senior Trust Consultant
RBC Wealth Management




David Stallings
Niles, Barton & Wilmer, LLP


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