Long Term Care Insurance and Medicare Advising

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Time: 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: Webinar
Speaker: Margie Barrie, MJG Coverage, LLC

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Speaker: Margie Barrie, Long Term Care Solutions Specialist, ACSIA Partners

A nationally recognized LTC expert, Margie has worked as an agent specializing in LTC since 1990. Margie has been named as one of the industry's top ten power people by Senior Market Advisor Magazine and as one of the top 25 most creative people in the insurance industry by LifeHealthPro Magazine.

Since 2000, she has been writing her popular monthly column "LTCI Insider" for Senior Market Advisor and, as of 2014, for LifeHealthPro. She is the author of two books: "50 Ways To Boost Your LTCI Sales" and “Selling LTCI Today.”

Margie is presently a long term care planning specialist with ACSIA Partners, the largest long term care planning agency in the country. 

The Looming Crisis of Long Term Care: The 8 Realities 
You Need to Know

Part I: Medicare
Reality 1. The Medicare Changes in October and January and the Impact on Your Clients
Part II: Industry Update
Reality 2. Key Facts: People are Living Longer
Reality 3. Growth of Hybrids
Reality 4. Rate Increases
Reality 5. Underwriting
Part III: Looking Forward 
Reality 6. Changes in the Care Continuum
Reality 7. Demographics
Reality 8. Growth of LTC as an Employee Benefit 
Carriers in the Long Term Care Industry have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in various ways, including coverage terms and rate changes. Margie will share information from a survey of major carriers and provide an update on the changes taking place since the health crisis began. 

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